- Company: Australian College of Kuwait (ACK)
- Employment Type: Full Time
- Experience: Recent industry or equivalent academic experience.
- Job Type: Math Teacher, Teaching
- Teaching at foundation, diploma and undergraduate levels.
- Contributing to curriculum development.
- A good first degree and post-graduate degree in mathematics or a related discipline.
- Recent industry or equivalent academic experience.
- The ability to teach and supervise foundation, diploma and undergraduate students Ideally with a some experience in problem-based learning.
- The ability to build collaborative internal and external relationships and experience of successfully working as part of a team.
- The position will offer the opportunity for pursuing research aligned to the themes of the department, and especially in the area of problem-based learning in mathematics. Candidates need the experience of or potential to develop and sustain externally funded research work and of publishing in high quality refereed journals.
Application Procedure
- Interested applicants should apply by emailing the following documentations to ackfound@ack.edu.kw:
- A cover letter summarizing teaching experience;
- A copy of the current CV, including nationality, date of birth (for visa purposes), and
- The names of three referees, one of which should be an academic supervisor.