Once filled the application form you’ll find in that website at the link « Application form », print it out, undersign it, and send it to the email address guido.celentano@unina.it (by means of the WeTransfer file sender system) jointly with the scanned version of the following documents:
1) University degrees. Attach both of the following items:
- Official certificate issued by the University of each the relevant degrees obtained (e.g., bachelor, master or equivalent), including the indication of the specific study program attended and of all the examinations taken. If these certificates are not in one of the following languages: either Italian, English, French, Spanish or German, then you will have to add a legal translation into one of these languages (warning: to be legal, the translation must be confirmed by your local Italian Embassy or Consulate as « faithful to the original »).
- Academic curriculum, including a list of all courses and examinations taken, with a short description of their contents, and marks. Include also a brief description of the grading system used in your country/university and, if possible, information about the grade statistical distribution (e.g., the percentile of students obtaining that grade or higher).
2) References. Please include in your message the names and contact information of at least two faculty members who can send us their recommendation letter for you.
3) Curriculum vitae
4) Further scientific/academic qualifications and information that in your judgment should be taken into account, such as
Selection of candidates will consist of a preselection (with a shortlist) based on the documentation included in the application, and a subsequent oral examination or web-conference based interview (e.g. using skype).
For any information request please contact:
Prof. Vincenzo Canale (coordinator) vincenzo.canale@unina.it
Mr. Guido Celentano (secretary) guido.celentano@unina.it
Full text of the call for admission of applicants to the PhD Programs, file « Attachment A » (listing all the PhD programs), and the list of PhD Programs with reserved positions for foreigners will be available at the webpage: http://www.unina.it/didattica/post-laurea/dottorati-di-ricerca/english-version