- Country: Belgium
- Deadline: May 10, 2021
- Discipline: MSc in Engineering, preferably computer science, electrical engineering, engineering physics, environmental engineering, or areas relevant to the research topic
- Apply here:
Job profile
• You must have an MSc in Engineering, preferably computer science, electrical engineering, engineering physics, environmental engineering, or areas relevant to the research topic.
• You must have good programming skills (Python, MatLab, C++ on Windows and Linux platforms), training or experience in audio processing and machine learning is essential.
• You are an excellent communicator in speaking and scientific writing in English
• The PhD position is interdisciplinary and requires an understanding and/or interest in biology and ecology.
• You are creative, driven by scientific curiosity.
• You work in an efficient and organized way.
Further details:
• The position start date can be negotiated but is at the latest 1 October 2021.
• You will be enrolled in the doctoral training program offered by the Doctoral School of Engineering.
• Ghent University encourages equal opportunities. We will consider applications based only on your potential as an early career researcher and your fit to the research program.
How to apply
For informal queries, do not hesitate to contact Paul Devos (p.devos@ugent.be).
Your application should include the following 4 documents as pdf and with appropriate file names:
1. A letter motivating your application (Why do you wish to pursue a PhD? Why in computational bioacoustics? What is your -if any- prior experience?) as lastname_firstname_Motivation.pdf
2. Your CV as lastname_firstname_CV.pdf.
3. Diploma and transcript of records (bachelor and master) as lastname_firstname_Diploma.pdf
4. The names and contact details of at least 2 referees as lastname_firstname_Referees.pdf
Applicants should send their application to p.devos@ugent.be with subject “PhD application lastname firstname”.
Selected candidates will be invited for an online interview.