Several Postdoctoral Associate positions are available for a transdisciplinary project to develop an intelligent Wearable Analyzer for Vapor Exposure (iWAVE), which is a highly advanced micro-engineered gas chromatography (µGC) instrument for environmental monitoring. For more information about our research in micro analytical chemistry, please visit:
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in engineering or chemistry and should have demonstrated research competency in any of the following categories:
- Analytical and micro analytical chemistry with emphasis on GC, adsorption and separation sciences, stationary phase coating/development, portable/MEMS-enabled gas chromatography, environmental monitoring, GC/MS analysis (The candidate will work in Dr. Linsey Marr’s lab and my lab, VT MEMS)
- µGC, MEMS fabrication, integrated microsystems for gas analysis, analog/digital electronics, embedded system development by integrating microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators, co-hardware/software design (The candidate will work in Dr. Masoud Agah’s and Dr. Leyla Nazhandali‘s lab and my lab).
If interested, please apply online through Virginia Tech hiring portal.