Applicants should submit their application via the UZH online portal. This application should include:
- A 1-page personal statement on why you are interested in joining our new, interdisciplinary department;
- A 2-page research plan for the next 5 years;
- A full CV highlighting your academic track record;
- Contact details of 3 referees who can be contacted for recommendation letters.
The supported Assistant Professorship offers major opportunities for establishing a first-class computational research program in the field of biomedical modeling in collaboration with numerous partners and institutions in Zurich, including the University Hospitals of Zurich and the Bioinformatics Hub at the LOOP Zurich.
The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer and strives to increase the percentage of women in leading positions. Therefore, qualified female researchers are encouraged to apply.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2021. Short-listed candidates will be informed by mid-August 2021 and invited to present their past achievements and research proposal during a symposium at the DQBM in September 2021. Final support decisions will be communicated in October 2021. Employment start date to be mutually agreed.
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