#WaterMedyin Project, financed by the #ItalianCooperation and implemented by CIHEAMBari is launching a #publiccall for “Supporting and Strengthening #startups operating in the sustainable management of #Water and #Marine resources, and in the #Agrifood and #Coastal development sectors”.
The call aims at selecting 10 innovative start-ups per Country, from #Lebanon, #Palestine
and #Tunisia
, to be integrated in an intensive one-month training open for 20 persons only.
Four selected start-ups per country will benefit from a #coaching period entrusted to a national #Innovation #Support #Organization and they will be invited to an international #brokerageevent in Italy.
Do you match with the requirements? Let’s check:
- Start-up team composition:under 35 and/or women: 50%
- Years of establishment: up to five
- Good quality, #innovative, and #creatively presented proposal
- Proposal matching the relevant #SDGs
- Feasibility, timing, economic sustainability of your project.
You’ve got time until #March20, 2021 to submit your application: https://www.watermedyin.net/startup-call/