The Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021 deadline is 28 June and therefore it is important that you start shaping your project idea(s) right now!
In order to support you in the creating your project proposal and build your consortium for the Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021, an online Brokerage event will be organised on 22 April 2021.
This event will enable you to:
- Present your project idea(s) and/or learn about other project ideas
- Learn how the Eureka Clusters can support you during the preparations of your project proposal
The Brokerage event will start at 09:30 and the timings of the sessions will be added here as we know how many project presentations we will have.
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Project idea pitches I
Session 3: Project idea pitches II
Session 4: Next steps
To register for the AI call 2021 Brokerage event please go to the registration page here: