We are seeking a candidate of international scientific reputation, whose research and teaching is located at the interface between computer science on one hand, and physical and engineering sciences on the other hand. A particular focus shall be on semantic modeling and digitization of processes and data, and resulting digital applications in the research areas of the Montanuniversität. These include for instance digital representations of processes in metallurgy, polymer engineering, materials science and power engineering; models of machines with their instrumentations and the resulting measurement data; digitization of geological structures and underground constructions; physical modeling of sub-surface processes; processes in quality control, maintenance and logistics.
Desired skills and experience
The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the success of the University with a modern teaching concept. Introductory courses on Data Modeling including Databases are to be held both in German and English. A particular focus lies on the first year of study which is common to all bachelor programs at the Montanuniversität. The teaching duties also include the supervision of scientific projects.
The requirements for employmentcomprise a university degree and a doctorate in a relevant field, as well as a habilitation or an equivalent qualification. Further prerequisites are a very good command of the German and English language, proven pedagogical and didactical skills including experience in the use of modern teaching methods, and leadership qualities.
Experience in acquiring and conducting research projects on a national as well as international scale is of high importance.
About the employer
Applications must include the following documents in English:
• motivation letter
• comprehensive curriculum vitae (including the ORCID number) with previous research and teaching activities
• complete list of publications including citation statistics
• copies of five selected publications with significant contributions by the applicant, together with a motivation for this selection
• list of acquired third-party funding along with a description of selected projects
• research concept regarding future activities at the Montanuniversität Leoben
• teaching concept regarding future activities at the Montanuniversität Leoben
Applicants are requested to submit their documents electronically by May 23, 2022 to the Rector of the Montanuniversität Leoben, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c. Wilfried Eichlseder, Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 8700 Leoben, Austria. To this end, the files should be compressed into a single zip-archive with the filename „MUL-BKDDNT_Lastname_Firstname.zip“and uploaded using the following link : https://oc.unileoben.ac.at/index.php/s/9dNEig1FucYFpFD
Additional information can be obtained from the Head of the Appointment Committee, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Auer, Franz-Josef-Straße 18, A-8700 Leoben, Österreich, Tel.: +43-3842-402-1500, E-Mail: peter.auer@unileoben.ac.at