We are looking for a scientist in an active field of statistics complementing the current research profile of the Institute of Mathematical Stochastics. Of particular interest are fields within applied statistics such as computational statistics, machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, spatial statistics or the statistical analysis of complex random phenomena (e.g. stochastic processes, networks or graphical models). Applicants should possess excellent scientific achievements in the above areas according to their career level. We are looking for a scientist with experience in statistical applications as well as connections to other mathematical fields of the department or to the centers of excellence of the university (dynamic systems as well as neurosciences).
The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching duties of the department including courses of the Bachelor and Master programs in “Mathematics” and “Statistics” resp. “Applied Statistics” as well as service for other departments. For the core teaching program the teaching language is German, while for some service courses proficiency in English is required. The willingness and ability to collaborate with the existing research groups of the department and the university will be essential.
Formal prerequisites for the appointment are a PhD within the last 6 years according to § 40 of the Higher Education Act for the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (Hochschulgesetz Sachsen-Anhalt).
The position is equipped with an assistant position (PhD or PostDoc; E13). Remuneration is in accordance with the German W-Besoldung at level W1, Remuneration Act of the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (Besoldungsgesetz Sachsen-Anhalt). The recruitment will initially be in a temporary employment relationship for a period of three years. Following a positive mid-term evaluation, the position will be extended by another three years. Given a positive final evaluation, the position will be converted to a permanent W2 professorship after six years.
Professors with tenure track will be given appropriate resources at the OVGU and take part in performance-related allocation of resources. We understand the tenure track professorship as a career step towards taking over a lifetime professorship. Along this path, we provide tailor-made development opportunities. We are also happy to help looking for childcare options and with offers for dual career couples.
Applications from disabled persons will be given priority in the case of equal suitability, ability and professional expertise. The Otto von Guericke University aims to increase the proportion of women researchers within the university and specifically encourages women to apply.
Further information concerning the professorship can be obtained from the chairperson of the appointment committee, Prof. Dr. Volker Kaibel (kaibel@ovgu.de).
Please note the information for storage of personal data: https://www.uni-magdeburg.de/Datenschutz_Bewerber.html
Applications should include a CV, relevant certificates, a description of your academic career, a list of publications and scientific talks, an overview of your third-party funding activities, a research and teaching concept as well as a list of your previous teaching including relevant evaluations. Please send your application by September 12, 2021 (date of receipt), preferably by email as one pdf document, to:
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Dekan der Fakultät für Mathematik
Herrn Prof. Dr. Alexander Pott
Postfach 4120, 39016 Magdeburg (Germany)
Apply here