Young Professionals Society will be awarding up to 10 passionate and enthusiastic students with YPS Student Awards so they can attend the inaugural YPS-2021 conference, which will be held at the Manchester Conference Centre (University of Manchester) on Saturday 25 September 2021. For more details about the conference click here
Following is the procedure for applying for the YPS Student Awards:
Write a letter to the conference chairs explaining (i) Why you want to attend YPS-2021? and (ii) What will you gain from attending the conference?
Applications must be received by 15 March 2021.
NB: Late applications will not be considered.
To apply for the YPS Student Award – click here
Note: The candidates should be 11-18 years old.
– Each award will consist of FREE registration for the YPS Conference 2021.
– Complimentary 1 year membership to YPS (as a Young Member)